CGMI Ajeromi Prophetic Enthronement 2018
Day 3
Speaker: Apostle Gideon Inikori
Texts: Gen 26:18-22
* The journey to success is not a stroll its a journey you need to be prepared because there will be so many things that will stop you.
* It takes stubbornness to succeed
* Success is delibrate
* It is only when you get to your destination that you can rest.
* When you have the mind of persistence, continuality and doggedness you can achieve success.
* Failure is part of success story
* God does not take permission from anyone to bless you.
* Don't look at life from one side there other side of life.
* You cannot stop a man that is struggling to succeed
* When people leave you no problem but don't let them meet you were they left you.
* What you have in your pocket can not bring your future, but what you have in your spirit can bring your future.
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